tea time


It was Afternoon Tea Week in Britain a month ago. Yes, it's a real thing, and too bad we don't have a reason to celebrate afternoon tea in Seattle. I'd be sipping earl grey and stuffing my face (ever so gracefully) with egg and cress sandwiches all week long. Not that I couldn't do that at home, but the experience of having tea in the proper setting is hard to beat. 

The most common type of tea time is Afternoon Tea. Not to be confused with High Tea. My favorite infographic is (of course) from Pinterest, and perfectly depicts the differences between the two along with several pointers on etiquette. 


Looking for somewhere to have afternoon tea? Here are some of my favorite spots, scattered across North America and Europe: 

  1. The Ritz in London

  2. Fortnum & Mason in London

  3. The Colonnade in London

  4. Queen Mary Tea Room in Seattle

  5. Crown & Crumpet Tea Stop Café in San Francisco

  6. The Allis in Chicago

  7. The Courtyard Restuarant in Boston (at the Boston Public Library)

  8. Castle at the Fairmont Hotel Vancouver

  9. The Westbury in Dublin

  10. Café Angelina in Paris

Have a favorite place that you'd like to share? Please comment or send me a message. I'll happily share with our readers. 

Until next time, happy sipping! xx